Values we live by

Unconditional Love tells us we were created on purpose. Who we are and how we were built to light up is not a mistake. Big "T" and Little "t" traumas bring shame, fear, and misplaced guilt in our lives. The more we feel we have to hide who we truly are from fear of rejection or abuse, the more anxiety, depression, other emotional maladies, unwanted relationships and unhealthy behavior show up too. We need to find a safe place to Live in the Light and return to the Joy of who we were meant to be.

Breath Work

A relaxed and conscious form of breathing that releases tension and creates body awareness

Eye movement integration

In EMI, practitioner use eye stimulation to help patients process traumatic memories and positively reprocess associated thoughts, feelings, and sensations

Body awareness

Recognizing areas where the body is tense and learning how to release physical tension and relax


The term Pendulation was coined by Peter Levine . Pendulation is used to help patients resolve trauma by bringing them from a relaxed condition into one where they face the emotions related to past trauma and then back to a relaxed state

Healing Touch

Grounded in Scripture and based on the teachings of Jesus to the disciples, Healing Touch features the laying on of hands and anointing with oil in prayer during sessions.


Splankna work utilizes tools from the field of "energy psychology."  Energy psychology uses the acupuncture system in the body to relieve trauma emotions at the frequency level.

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Mental Health Starts With You


Systemic Inflammation

Systemic Inflammation: an inflamed system   It’s interesting that burnout is something that shows up in public and private helping professions, secular and faith-based, for-profit

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When did you hear about the word “Somatics”? As a young therapist in graduate school, (many moons ago), I was in Abnormal Psychology class, and

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